The Londoness

Born in Paris.

Made in London.

Teller of London Tales.

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Real Ladies of London, Perfect London Day, afternoon tea, theatre, Shakespeare,

The Real Ladies of London

Last updated on April 23rd, 2023What does a real Londoness like to do in the world’s greatest city? Discover what it’s like to really live and love London: from magical walks and secret gardens, to food markets, theatre, museums, afternoon tea, local restaurants and bars…come and enjoy a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day with the Real Ladies of London!…

dandy in London

How to be a Dandy in London

Last updated on December 28th, 2023The British Dandy is still alive and well, and if you look closely, you’ll see them dotted all around London, especially during the Summer Season.  A male friend of mine took me on a “man about town” weekend together with some other beaus and Berties who work for her Majesty’s…